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How to use your summer break to become a better leader

If you're scrolling through your LI feed while sunbathing at a beach somewhere, then this is for you. 

And, while your team may be taking time off, smart leaders know that August is prime time for personal and professional growth. After all, summer isn't just for vacations; it's the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and elevate your leadership game.

  1. Take the time to reflect on your leadership style: consider the #feedback you have received from your team and stakeholders. What strengths define you as a leader and what are your areas of improvement? 

  2. Redefine your goals until the end of 2024: coming back from your holiday, you still have 4 months left to achieve your development targets. How can you use that time effectively? 

  3. Strengthen the bond with your team: as a leader, you are only as strong as your #team so, investing time in bringing the team together is always wise. Use your downtime to plan activities and gatherings that will enhance team spirit, cohesion and #engagement

  4. Realign with your vision: your hectic schedule and busy day-to-day has been temporarily put on pause - which makes it a perfect time to reevaluate your #strategy with your #values and #vision. Are you headed towards the right direction or do you need to make adjustments? 

  5. Prioritize taking a break: great leaders know the value of rest and recharging. Switching off will help your mind regain capacity for decision making, problem solving and future planning. In addition, you also show your ability to trust your team and delegate tasks accordingly while you're on holiday. 

As you enjoy the slower pace of summer, remember that this is more than just a break—it's an opportunity to pause, reflect, and invest in your growth as a leader. Whether you're setting new goals, reconnecting with your vision, or simply recharging, these moments of reflection can have a profound impact on your #leadership journey.


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